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Wednesday, October 29, 2014


It can be extremely difficult to live with an individual that suffers with ADHD or another mental health related disorder. Empathy can be learned, cultivated and utilized as an effective tool for yourself and loved ones that suffer.  Speak with a therapist or myself on how you can begin to expand or develop empathy as well as utilize it.

Individuals with ADHD often feel misunderstood and disconnected continually wondering why they struggle as they do. Shame, guilt and helplessness to control the symptoms makes it worse as they do exert much energy into being resilient. They regret and tire from the constant energy exerted to focus, succeed and curb the restlessness and rough character and personality traits.

I have recently treated several adults, that very late in their life, through mostly chance, have uncovered an ailment they have long been suffering from.  It doesn't always ease the discomfort knowing that they have been resilient and minimized the impairments of such an ailment. The instability in mood and difficult aspects of functioning each day wear them out yet a constant nagging like a motor is driving them persists.  The dichotomy is intense at times and results in depressive like symptoms.  Apathy, procrastination, inattentiveness and other annoying behaviors take over and the person can begin to feel worthless, rejected and misunderstood by those around them.

Medication, Therapy and most of all lifestyle changes are what most help individuals.  This in and of itself and be a whole new battle.  This sounds bleak and thier is hope.  Although most will struggle with symptoms throughout the lifespan as they wax and wane it can be manageable. ADHD doesn't have to impair your life continually.

ADHD in children has been found to persist into adulthood.  Adult ADHD/ADD is difficult to diagnose and often missed and therefore not treated.

Begin with a self-report assessment and then speak with a professional.


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