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Thursday, September 11, 2014


Addiction is often understood as the continued use despite adverse consequences. Chemical dependency at a biological level and neurological level comes into play when evaluating addiction.
Marijuana or THC can be addictive to the brain.  For most users marijuana is habit forming but not addictive to specific neuro-receptors in the brain.  Nevertheless marijuana use becomes a metaphor, spiritual or way of life and being. It even alters personality over time.  When use of a substance or behavior becomes a metaphor and way of thinking, feeling and behaving combined with chemical dependency and continued use despite adverse consequences I would conquer you have a formula for actual addiction. This may be true even with out chemical dependency as part of the equation.
Addiction is often confused with habitual behaviors that have adverse consequences. People form harmful habits that help them escape and numb out.  Humanity in general avoids pain and seeks pleasure often. Emotions and our realities can be painful at times and we seek to numb our self's out with excessive T.V., internet use, food, even exercise like gym rats. People can become obsessed with body image and a certain lifestyle. I often ask what a person might be avoiding or coping with that necessitates such drastic behavior. There are many vices or habit forming behaviors that can create impairment in ones life versus healthy coping.
Ask yourself if your habits and potential addictions are impairing your life and causing adverse consequences but you still feel compelled to use or engage. Seek help from family, friends and professionals like myself to better understand your self and relationship to a substance or behavior.
Food for thought, at what level does your body and mind have withdrawal and or tolerance? I quit eating treats for a week while watching a little T.V. every night and my body screamed a chemical dependency to sugar. This is not addiction but concerning to health and a way of life. Processed sugar is not healthy and having craves that create irritable moods and dissatisfaction is a less then desirable feeling. (mild withdrawal symptoms)
Food is a necessity and can be habit forming with adverse consequences.  At the point some one could be truly addicted to sugar or food is a difficult thing to distinguish.  Americans suffer greatly from obesity. Obese people do not necessarily have addictions to food.  Brain research shows that obese peoples brains lack in D2 Dopamine levels as do those of cocaine users. They then need to increase the intake of the substance to achieve the same neurochemical effect for satisfaction and pleasurable moods.
To evaluate addiction is not always important.  To understand oneself and relationship to a particular substance or behavior is important.
Call or skype today to understand what it may be for you or a family member.  $25 per 15 minute consultation period.
Skype Name: sequoiafamilytherapyservicesllc
(801) 874-5875

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